Protein Expression and Purification using Bacterial Expression System

Cat #: EG-1076



Bacterial Expression System.


  • Enhance recombinant protein expression using GST, MBP and NusA fusion.
  • Dual-tag expression vectors (His-GST, His-MBP, His-Strep tags) facilitate simple and fast protein purification.
  • Fluorescent protein (GFP, RFP), luciferases or detection tags (HA, Myc, Flag) for downsteam assay.


  • Purified recombinant protein, >3 mg, > 95% purity
  • QC Data
  • Chromatograms

Required Materials

  • 5 µg of plasmid containing gene of interest plus complete vector sequence in electronic format
  • or protein sequence for gene synthesis (with additional price for gene synthesis)
  • or accession number

Quotation and Ordering

To request a quotation, please request a quotation form from customer services

To order, please send the completed quotation form to us by email or fax with a formal PO (Purchase Order) or credit card information. You can also submit PO/credit card information by phone.

If submitting samples, please mail them together with a hard copy of the completed quotation form to: Protein Services, Excellgen, Inc. 15601 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville, MD 20855-2743.