FastÄQ™ Low ROX™ One-Step SYBR Green qRT-PCR Kit

Cat #: EG-1026



FastÄQTM One-Step SYBR Green qRT-PCR Kit, Low ROX™ is a convenient and highly sensitive solution for quantitative RT-PCR of RNA templates (qRT-PCR) using SYBR® Green I dye detection and gene-specific primers on Applied Biosystems 7500 or Stratagene MX series of real-time PCR systems. cDNA synthesis and PCR amplification are carried out in the same tube without opening between procedures. The system has been optimized to deliver maximum RT PCR efficiency, sensitivity, and specificity. The proprietary reaction buffer has been specifically formulated to maximize activities of both reverse transcriptase and Taq DNA polymerase while minimizing the potential for primer-dimer and other non-specific PCR artifacts. The kit is compatible with both fast and standard qPCR cycling protocols. Highly specific amplification is essential for successful qRT-PCR with SYBR® Green I technology, since this dye binds to any dsDNA generated during amplification. FastÄQTM Taq DNA polymerase contains monoclonal antibodies that bind to the polymerase and keep it inactive prior to the initial PCR denaturation step. Upon heat activation at 95ºC, the antibodies denature irreversibly, releasing fully active, unmodified Taq DNA polymerase.

Instrument Compatibility

  • Applied Biosystems 7500
  • Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast
  • Stratagene Mx3000P®
  • Stratagene Mx3005P™
  • Stratagene Mx4000™
  • Applied Biosystems ViiA 7
  • High sensitivity FastÄQ Taq DNA Polymerase
  • Hot-start technology ensures high specificity
  • FastÄQTM One-Step Reverse Transcriptase - Optimized 50X formulation of recombinant MMLV reverse transcriptase for one-step RT-PCR.
  • One-Step SYBR Green Master Mix, Low ROX (2X) - 2X reaction buffer containing dNTPs, magnesium chloride, FastÄQ Taq DNA polymerase, stabilizers, ROX reference dye and SYBR Green I dye
  • Nuclease-free water
Storage Kit components are stable for one year when stored in a constant temperature freezer at -20°C, protected from light. For convenience, the One-Step SYBR Green Master Mix, Low ROX may be stored unfrozen at +2 to +8°C for up to 4 months.
Shipping -20 °C
Note For research use only