Protein Expression and Purification using Yeast Expression System

Cat #: EG-1077


Excellgen's scientists have average of 15 years experience in molecular biology, protein expression and purification. Our team is proficient in molecular cloning, producing and purifying of recombinant proteins in a variety of expression systems including cell-free protein synthesis, E. Coli, yeasts, baculovirus/insect cells and mammalian cells (CHO and 293). We have ÄKTAExplore and ÄKTAPurifier FPLC systems, ~ 30 large GE Pharmacia prepacked columns (gel filtration, hydrophobic, ion exchange, desalting) and numerous affinity columns. By combining state-of-the-art fementation and ÄKTA FPLC chromatography systems, we can produce quantities of pure recombinant proteins ranging from miligrams to a few grams.

This package is designed for producing and purification of 3 mg recombinant protein in Yeast Expression System.

Timeline Milestones Tasks
2 weeks Cloning and Subcloning
  • PCR amplification using high fiderity DNA polymerase
  • Clone PCR product into an expression vector
  • Restriction digestion analysis and sequencing of the construct to ensure correct sequence and frame
  • Preparation of plasmid DNA
1-2 weeks Pilot Expression and Purification
  • Transform yeast cells with plasmid DNA
  • Small scale expression and purification study assessed by SDS-PAGE, Dot-blot or Western blot analysis
  • Estimation of protein yield
1-2 weeks Large Scale Expression and Purification
  • Large-scale growth of over-expressing yeast cells
  • Purify protein using AKTA FPLC systems
  • Dialysis and concentrate protein
  • SDS-PAGE or Western blot analysis of the purified protein
  • Determination of protein concentration
  • Delivery of purified and ready-to-use protein


  • Minimum 3 mg purified recombinant protein, > 95% purity
  • QC Data
  • Chromatograms

Required Materials

  • 5 µg of plasmid containing gene of interest plus complete vector sequence in electronic format
  • or protein sequence for gene synthesis (with additional price for gene synthesis)
  • or accession number so we can buy cDNA clone from suppliers such as ATCC, Open Biosystems, Origene, GeneCopoeia

Quotation and Ordering

To request a quotation, please request a quotation form from customer services

To order, please send the completed quotation form to us by email or fax with a formal PO (Purchase Order) or credit card information. You can also submit PO/credit card information by phone.

If submitting samples, please mail them together with a hard copy of the completed quotation form to: Protein Services, Excellgen, 847 Quince Orchard Blvd, Suite H, Gaithersburg, MD, 20878, US.